Partners worldwide

With our global network and partners, we have access to many markets, international investors, funding opportunities, companies, projects and service providers.

On the one hand we provide you these possibilities, on the other hand, we will accompany you abroad.


Locations of our current partners.

Headquarter in Germany, Nuremberg

Several partners in Germany

Russia, Moscow

United States of America, Dallas

China, Beijing, Shanghai, Macau

● United Arab Emirates, Dubai

Bahrain, Manama

Switzerland, Zurich


Austria, Vienna


The Netherlands, Amsterdam

Portugal, Albufaira

France, Paris

Turkey, Istanbul

India, Rajasthan


Poland, Jasenitz


Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur


South Africa

Kontakt / Contact

Capital Concept Funds GmbH

München / Munich

Tel:      +49 (0) 89 2190900 22

Mobil: +49 (0) 173 8062149

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